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Meet "Dialightful"


Lydia Burk


Hi, I’m Lydia. I’m a late “boomer” raised by a frugal mother who taught me to be independent and work with what I had. That’s probably one of the reasons I joined the military when I was 20. I met my husband and together we raised three wonderful children (I might be biased there). Many years later we were graced with two grandchildren (they’re wonderful too!). I haven’t had a career of any sort but had many jobs in my lifetime. I’ve found creating my Dialightful Reversible Gift Bags has been my most rewarding job of all. Currently, I live in Tucson with my husband of 39 years and our beautiful dog (another bias). I spend many happy hours of my days sewing my gift bags while listening to audio books. It’s not glamours but those bags don’t sew themselves and those books don’t listen to themselves.  I’m passionate about these bags. I don’t claim to be a seamstress but I can sew a rectangle.

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